Michelle recently shared how we passed $40m in all-time revenue at Squared Away. Check out her post on X. I wanted to share a few thoughts on how we got here, lessons learned, all of our financials, and my personal journey to get here.
To think we started this company
The following post is an excerpt from David Marquet's book "Leadership is Language." David was the captain of a nuclear submarine and one of my favorite leaders in the world. David asked me to share when we were launching our biggest project with Apple and how
Simon Sinek has changed the way to think about building companies and
innovation. He shares why great companies and leaders always focus on the why.
I hope you enjoy this interview.
Subscribe to everything ask. [http://startbyasking.com]
iTunes Podcast:
This story is about having no fucking clue what will happen, one lucky email, and the ignorant road to raising part of our $1.5m seed round in 5 days before New Year’s.
July 5th, 2013. Sitting in Spanish Bay, CA with my girlfriend browsing Instagram.
This is the
Nothing has opened more doors and opportunities in my life than Twitter.
I didn’t go to an Ivy League school. (Not even close [http://www.wiu.edu/]) I do
believe that signaling theory exists and there’s a ton to gain by attending a
school like Stanford.
But I
I hear this question all the time:
> “How should I go about raising money?”
To start, raising money is actually really hard and there are lots of nuances
but maybe a different perspective can help some people trying to raise a round.
Also, the single best way to raise
I was having a coffee this morning with a friend who was telling me about his
last startup job. The one line I remember was this:
> “…he [the CEO] required us to be in the office til 7pm. Anyone who left early
just felt guilty. I got fired.”