
What we really need to do here is use technology to remind people that we are human, that civilization is meant to connect people. @jack

This morning was the first time my dad ever sent me a photo of himself. As trivial as it sounds, it made my day. He only sent it because of an app called Frontback.

A simple app with a creative and different way to express ourselves changed how I communicate with my dad.

The same thing happened three months ago when my niece told me to join Snapchat.

These apps aren’t just silly things on our phones. They are different ways to express ourselves to the people we care about. They make the world a smaller place. They make me feel like I don’t live 2300 miles away from home. They make me closer to the people I love.

People will hate on ideas and apps all day long but they are all missing the point…

The app doesn’t matter. How people express themselves does.

Good morning, dad. Thanks for the Frontback, it made my day.

The first time I’ve seen my dad actually show his teeth in a picture.

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Jamie Larson